Yard Sale : The parish would like to thank Yard Sale Chairperson Karen VanVactor for all her time and hard work.
The three day Yard Sale takes many weeks of preparation receiving donations, sorting and organizing thousands of items. After which, most all items are individually priced.
It is only with the teamwork of some of the hardest working ladies and men that we can make this event a success.
Thank you from Karen to the following: Fr. Leo, Jean Gawarecki, Terry & Beverly O’Bannon, Lisa Wisdom, Cindy & Bill Board, Libby Foushee, Dorothy Ashley, Nancy Black, Mary Ann Bellflower, Mickey Kolle, Donna & Charlie Ehrsam, Mary Anne Jackson, Stephanie Mullins, Susan Bolton, Teresa Larrison, Isabel Bossmeyer, Helen Sharpensteen, Hank Schnieders, Carol & Jim Metcalf, Linda Higdon, Denise Blair, Vicki Seykora, Kenny Miller, Terry Bradley, Phyllis Patterson, Nancy Sheffield, Amy Hinton, Rhonda & Ricky Goodin, Bill Clark, Grant and Dana Bowman and a very welcomed newcomer to our team—Susie Stewart!
We succeeded in reaching our goal and want to also thank all donors. Without your generous offerings, none of this could happen. Remember us through the year and store up your goodies for “2025”. There is someone out there that will LOVE to have (buy) them!
PS. There was no way to say thank you just to the core team without hurting feelings—but you all know who you are and how many hours of work and sweat we put in. I know who you are and how grateful this church is to have you! I certainly am!! Karen