Cabin Fever 2023

Cabin Fever Reliever 2025 News

This event occurs on the last Saturday in January. This is a Monte Carlo event with a catered dinner, cake booth and gaming for the 500+ attending.

We are in need of donations of pretzels, chips, crackers, cakes & cookies

Donations of gift cards are needed

Cabin Fever Reliever

Saturday, January 25

Doors open at 5 pm

Gaming starts at 6 pm

 Capital Prize is $10,000!

The entrance fee is $20.


Tickets for a reverse drawing are $100. Only 260 tickets will be sold. If less than 125 tickets are sold, it will be a 50/50 Raffle.

In addition to the final payout, we will pay $100 to the first ticket drawn.

If there are still tickets available, they can opt to purchase one.

Also, every 50th ticket drawn will win $50. (50th, 100th, 150th, 200th and 250th)

Split-the-Pot tickets will also be sold in various denominations.

We have also added some baskets. Tickets for the baskets will be $5 each for each basket. We will be selling after each mass for the next few weeks. There will be an alcohol basket(s), Indian Dinner for 10, and a basket of lottery scratch-offs. 

Capital Prize Tickets and split the pot numbers can be purchased before/after Masses, at the parish office from 9-2pm on Mon—Thur or call Linda Lyons @ 419-4025. No one under 18 years of age will be admitted. (Gaming Lic. #460)

We are in need of donations of pretzels, chips and crackers

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