Baptism is the first of the sacraments that brings a person into the fellowship of Christ and is the basis of the whole Christian life. We are freed from sin and reborn as children of God. It is usually done as a baby but can be done at any time. The deacon of our parish does the infant baptisms. If you are interested, please contact the Director of Faith Formation or Parish office for information.
Confession or Reconciliation
Reconciliation is a sacrament of getting our lives right with God. The Catechism of the Catholic Church #1422 states, “Those who approach the sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from God’s mercy for the offense committed against him, and are, at the same time, reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins and which by charity, by example, and by prayer labors for their conversion.” Reconciliation is the Church’s way of celebrating what God does in, with, and through human persons. Reconciliation is a means of celebrating the forgiveness of God that is extended to all when persons turn back to God through the conversion process. To learn more contact Director of Religious Education
Marriage signifies the union and love that exist between Christ and the Church. It is a faithful covenant in which spouses unite in such a way that, by forming “one flesh,” they can transmit human life as spouses and parents, men and women cooperate in a unique way in the Creator’s work. Here at Incarnation, the couple needs to contact the parish office 6 months before they want to have the wedding. They will meet with the priest and have counseling sessions and what arrangements if any need to be made. Please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible after the engagement.
Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus, it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees; episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate (Catholic Catechism, #1536.) If you are interested in this sacrament you will need to call the Vocation Office of the Archdiocese of Louisville. Their number is 502-636-02966 or email them at
Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick is the sacrament in which those who are ill are anointed to impart spiritual strength and physical healing. The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is given to those who are seriously ill by anointing them on the forehead and hands with duly blessed oil-pressed from olives or from other plants- saying, only once: “Through this holy anointed may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up. (Apostolic Constitution Sacram unctionem infirmorum, 1513, 129.) If you or anyone you know needing this sacrament, please call the parish office and they will help you.
Parents of children preparing to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, and/or Confirmation are required to participate in these sessions. The purpose of these classes is to assist parents in their role as the primary religious educators of their children. Please contact the office at 502-447-2013 or
Persons wanting to join the Catholic Church from another religion, another opportunity is given. It is called OCIA, and it allows the person almost a year to learn and think about the journey they might want to travel while getting closer to God. The process is taking weekly classes from September to Easter Vigil and learning about the Catholic Faith. It gives the person a chance to receive three sacraments, Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. It is a chance to learn about the rituals and why the rituals of the Catholic church. At Easter Vigil the candidate is welcomed fully into the Catholic Church.
There are classes for the youth to adult. If you are interested, please contact the Parish Office 502-447-2013 or for more information