Thank you for taking an interest to have your child Baptized in our Community. Below you will find the necessary steps to begin your journey.
Step 1. Contact our Parish to express interest.
Step 2. Become Registered Members of our Community.
Through your initial contact our Coordinator will gather appropriate information to assist in your registration or confirm your registration with our Parish community.
Step 3. Choose Godparents.
What are the qualifications for a baptismal Godparent?
To be admitted to the role of Godparent, persons must:
(Adapted from Code of Canon Law c. 874.)
May a non-Catholic serve as Godparent for Baptism?
A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community may be admitted
only as a witness to baptism and together with a Catholic Godparent.
(Adapted from Code of Canon Law c. 874.)
Step 4. Parents and God Parents attend Baptism Preparation Course.
After your initial contact our Parish Coordinator will inform you of upcoming Course offerings.
* Bring your calendar. Here we will schedule your Baptism date, and record the Full names for those participating in the upcoming sacrament.
Do Not invite your Family to a Baptism Date until you have COMPLETED Registration paperwork and have a current Stewardship Form on File.
Incarnation Catholic Community
(502) 447-2013