Out Reach Services

Southwest Ministries:

Approximately 1000 lbs of food annually have been donated to this ministry to help families in the area

Donation boxes are in the Gathering Space at Church

Prayer Blankets:

We are always looking for handmade and new blankets to be donated and prayed over then given to those in need

Contact: Mary Spies


Taking Off Pounds Sensibly

A weight loss support group

20 members meet in Christian Hall every Wednesday from 10 - 11am

Over Eaters Anonymous:

Overeaters Anonymous is a 12-step fellowship for anyone who struggles with compulsive eating behaviors. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. We have a new meeting starting on Monday nights at Incarnation Catholic Church at 7pm in the Ministry Gathering House, 2219 Lower Hunters Trace. We would love to have you! For more information, please contact Jessica C at (270) 945-1717.

Gamblers Anonymous:

Gamblers Anonymous is a 12-step fellowship for anyone who struggles with compulsive gambling. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling. We have a meeting on Tuesday nights at Incarnation Catholic Church at 7pm in the Ministry Gathering House, 2219 Lower Hunters Trace. We would love to have you! For more information, please contact Ed Eiden 50247-2013

Depressed Anonymous:

Depressed Anonymous is a 12-step fellowship for anyone who struggles with depression. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop being depressed. We have a meeting on Thursday nights at Incarnation Catholic Church at 5 pm in the Ministry Gathering House, 2219 Lower Hunters Trace. We would love to have you! For more information, please contact Rosemary Woolums 502-447-2013.

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