2025 Stewardship Catalog

Stewardship Catalog


"Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ.  To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen..."

1 Peter 4:10-11


Welcome Desk / Clerical Help - Shana Boyd 502-447-2013

Volunteers assist with answering phones, welcoming visitors, answering inquiries, taking messages and a variety of special mailings and projects throughout the year.


Church Cleaners - Nancy Sheffield 502-292-8069

Cleaning crews meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday morning of the month for routine cleaning of the church. Individuals can volunteer for weekly, monthly, or on a seasonal schedule.



Eucharistic Ministers - Theresa Bell 502-298-9934

Ministers distribute the body and blood at the Mass of their choice. They will be assigned a month at a time, four times a year. Training is provided & required.


Homebound Ministers - Fr. Leo 447-2013, Jeannie Levy 502-777-1158 & Deacon Andy Heinsohn 502-292-9597

Eucharistic ministers are needed to take Communion to those members of the parish who are unable to attend Mass.


Lectors - Sheila Ashley 502-741-0504

Adults and youth (13 and older) proclaim the Scripture readings at Mass. Training is provided. Volunteers may sign up for the Mass of their choice and will be assigned for a month at a time on a rotating basis.


Servers - Stacy Hoover 502-608-3711

This ministry is for 4th grade through adult. Families are welcome. Training is provided. Rotations are scheduled for the Mass of your choice.


Ushers / Greeters- Rick Milby 502-419-8083

Ushers greet people entering the church, assist with seating, collecting offerings, assist with Communion, and distribute wor- ship materials and bulletins. They are responsible for presenting and removing the gifts from the altar. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to serve together. Assignments are on a monthly rotating basis. Training is provided.


Music Ministers / Choir - Lisa Potts 502-550-0491

All interested persons, from youth to adult, are invited to join the choir. No need to read music. The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:30 – 8:45 PM. The choir sings at the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass. The choir is in recess from June – August.


Arts & Environment - Ronda Goodin 502-641-2338

This committee is responsible for designing and creating the sanctuary environment in keeping with the liturgical calendar and seasons. Creative people are needed. Specific talents valued are flower arranging, decorating, and sewing. Volunteers are also needed to pick up, launder, and iron altar linens. Volunteers are welcome on a seasonal or weekly basis, and all help is appreciated.


Work Church TV Screens or Cameras - Shana Boyd 502-447-2013

This person helps at least once a month at the Mass of his/her choice to operate the TV screens or cameras during mass. Training is provided.

Faith Formation


Children’s Church - Liturgy of The Word - Rita Schnieders 502-939-5540

This program is offered on Sundays at the 11:00am Mass. The adult leader and assistant bring the children to the Hall to listen to, learn about, and participate in an activity designed to bring the gospel readings to life in their lives. Curriculum and training are provided. Assignments are one Sunday a month.


Religious Education (ages preschool to 8th grade) - Rita Schnieders 502-939-5540

This free program is offered on Sunday from 10 – 10:50am.  The children participate in religious education lessons and activities designed to prepare them for the Sacraments, inform their Christian Faith, and relate the meaning of sacred scripture to their daily lives. Curriculum and ongoing training are provided for catechists (teachers) and catechist aides (teacher’s aides) at no cost.


Vacation Bible School (grades K-5) - Rita Schnieders 502-939-5540

Vacation Bible School is held 5 evenings, in June or July, for children grades Kindergarten to 5th Grade. Activities include crafts, music, games, story time, and meeting lots of new friends. Helpers needed Ages Teen to Grandparent are welcome!



Youth Ministry Program - Contact the Office at 502-447-2013

We welcome young people Grades 7-12 who want to meet on a regular basis at the Ministry Gathering House (times to be determined) for Friendship, Faith Formation, Fun, and Fellowship.  We are planning some exciting trips and activities! To learn more please contact the office.


Young Adults (Ages 21-40) - Deacon Andy & Joan Heinsohn 502-292-9597 or 502-593-5962

Young adult group is a newly formed group, meeting regularly. Everyone ages 21 to 40 are invited to attend. We meet to grow in faith and build friendships with spiritual sharing. Meetings include faith filled discussion and fun social gatherings both on and away from Incarnation's campus.


OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) meets on a weekday evening

Catechists: - Rita Schnieders 502-939-5540

Under the guidance of the Pastor & Director of Religious Education, Catechists lead OCIA participants through their Faith Formation journey in Preparation for receiving the Sacraments. If you would like to volunteer to be a Sponsor for Candidates & Catechumens, please contact Rita Schnieders at 502-939-5540.


Outreach Ministries

Ministry of Compassion (Funeral Team) - Carol Luckett 502-262-7293

Members of this committee support families who have experienced the death of a loved one by being present at the funeral home (Volunteers pair with experienced laypersons to participate in a prayer with the family at the funeral home), and helping at the funeral Mass. Letters of support and encouragement are sent several times throughout the first year following the death of a loved one.


Resurrection Choir - Theresa Bell 502-298-9934

Members of this choir attend the funeral Mass as a representative of the parish, to show their support for those experiencing the death of a loved one. No experience necessary. There are no practices.


Funeral Luncheons Food Prep or Servers - Donna Ehrsam 502-905-5122

Assistance is needed in preparing food for luncheons following the funeral of a parish member. Volunteers are also needed to help with serving and clean-up.


Candy For Caring - Peg Fey 502-419-4700 or 502-625-5412

In the spirit of God’s goodness, we use our talents making and selling candy. The profits raised from the sale of these handmade confections go to charities helping those in need in our community. No experience is necessary. Training provided.


Prayer Blankets - Mary Spies 502-935-8694

Make a blanket that is blessed and given to those in need. Donations of material and yarn will be gladly accepted also.


Southwest Ministry Food Delivery - Charlie Ehrsam 502-905-5124

Every Monday the food donated in the back of church is delivered to the ministry located on Terry Rd between the hours of 11am and 3pm. Weekly and monthly opportunities available. Must be able to lift groceries in tubs.


Franciscan Kitchen - Susan Bolton 502-724-9139

Volunteers Assist in preparing and serving a meal to the homeless at the Franciscan Kitchen the 2nd Saturday of each month. Meals are served Mon-Sat 10:20—12:30 by all volunteer staff. They serve 350-580 guests a day. There are a variety of time slots to help out on our Saturday.


Stewardship - Parish Life

Concession Stand Volunteers - Vicki Pippin-Guffey 502-338-0379

Volunteers are needed to work every other week during the spring / summer / fall softball and T-ball leagues and winter volleyball. Workers are needed to work the fryers, nacho station, front counter or back concession stand. Volunteer hours are flexible based on your availability.


Special Events - Fr. Leo 502-447-2013, Jean Gawarecki 502-386-8829 & Karen Van Vactor 502-432-1892

These volunteers help plan a variety of events that promote fellowship & community. We need volunteers that are willing to meet periodically to plan, promote, organize and execute these events.


Boosters - Linda Lyons 502-419-4025

The Booster Club encourages social, spiritual and athletic activity among the members of the parish and surrounding community. We have a summer softball & fall softball league, and winter volleyball league for all ages. We seek volunteers in our concession stands, coaching, and working with the fields. We collaborate with other groups and have yearly fundraisers. As part of the church we contribute towards projects, volunteer at events, and donate to our community. We would love to have you as part of our program!


Seniors - Larry McClellen 502-664-4743

The Seniors Club has an open forum membership to all persons fifty years of age and older, and their spouses. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month in the parish hall. Meetings include a potluck meal, a business meeting, and social activities.

New Member Welcome Packets - Karen Van Vactor 502-432-1892

Newly registered parishioners will receive these packets with information on Incarnation offerings. Volunteers are needed quarterly to help fill and deliver packets.


Talent Sharing - Karen Van Vactor 502-432-1892

We are seeking individuals with special skills or talents who are willing to provide workshops or presentations in their area of expertise. Examples may include but are not limited to: religious topics, painting, crafting, crocheting, knitting, quilting, sewing, digital couponing, scrapbooking, computer software training, financial planning, line or other dancing, cooking, strength or flexibility training, Nutrition etc. to volunteer to facilitate sharing your talent please contact Karen.



Contact Fr. Leo 502-356-7741 or Shana in the office at 502-447-2013

Chairpersons & Volunteers Always Needed & Welcome!


Event Bakers

Make and provide baked goods for special events (example, cake wheels at fundraising events etc.)



The annual parish picnic, held the Saturday after Labor Day, is a major community-building fundraiser for our parish. Many volunteers are needed to ensure the success of this event. Areas of need include picnic chairperson or co-chair, booth chairpersons, booth workers, kitchen chairperson, kitchen and dining room workers, helpers to set up for picnic, helpers to tear down, cake bakers and face painters and more. If you are willing to consider doing any of these things, sign up now and be a part of the fun!


Cabin Fever Reliever

The Cabin Fever Reliever is the second largest fundraiser at Incarnation. This mid-winter gaming event, is held annually the weekend before Super Bowl Sunday. Volunteers are needed to help sell split the pot boards, pull tabs, deal cards, work booths, prepare food, set up & clean up before & after, kitchen help, cake bakers and more. A variety of time slots are available.



Bunco will take place twice a year, once in the Fall & once in the Summer. Volunteers are needed for both events.


Craft Show

The Craft show is held the first Saturday of November. Booth space is sold to vendors. Volunteers are needed to help in various capacities, primarily in the kitchen.


Yard Sale Volunteers

Volunteers are needed to receive, sort and price yard sale items, help with sales the days of the yard sale, and to deliver or store any remaining donated items to other charities after the yard sale.


*Additional Fundraisers & Events may be added throughout the year.


There are many other opportunities to provide stewardship not listed above. Please describe your talent or make comments in the comment section of the sign-up form.

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