2025 Intent Form

Incarnation 2025-2026 Stewardship

Time, Talent, & Treasure

Intent Form

Please complete the below Intent Form, along with the  Time & Talent Form.

It is important to complete both forms as they are recorded separately

to provide you with privacy and confidentiality.

It is very important to provide your phone number and email

so we can ensure your records are up-to-date and accurate.

Stewardship is about sharing what we have; it is a right faith-response to the sacrificial gift of Christ Jesus; it is about joyfully giving back to God what He so generously gives to us each day.

Frequently Asked questions:

What happens if adequate funds are not pledged to cover what is needed?

If this happens, less money will be allotted to many budget items such as Outreach & In-reach Ministries, Programs, Improvements, Services, etc.


How does parishioner involvement affect what is needed for the budget?

The more people that get involved through sharing their time and talent, the less money is needed to operate the parish and serve our ministry.


How do I determine my time, talent, and treasure pledge?

First, make a list of all your blessings (not just financial). Pray. Ask God how you can respond to the baptismal call to serve, and how you can live out your gratitude for all He has given you. Then listen for how God is leading you to use your time and money in service to Him this year. The most important part of the whole process is to give to God first. Then decide where the rest of your time and treasure will be allocated in other areas of your life.


I have signed up in the past and no one has called me to help.

Our goal is to include all volunteers. Keep in mind that some events are annual or seasonal and you will be contacted accordingly. If you have not been contacted within a couple months of submitting your forms, please call the office so we can find out why you haven’t been contacted and to put you in touch with the best persons for your areas of interest. We always need help and your willingness to serve in any area is deeply appreciated and wanted. You matter!

Our parish is a family. Every member is invited & needed to do his or her part in contributing to the care and well-being of our family unit.

Suggested Contributions

Household Income

Weekly Monthly Annual
$192 $834 $10,000
$385 $1,667 $20,000
$577 $2,500 $30,000
$769 $3,333 $40,000
$962 $4,167 $50,000
$1,154 $5,999 $60,000
$1,538 $6,667 $80,000
$1,923 $8,334 $100,000
$2,404 $10,417 $125,000
$2,885 $12,500 $150,000

Suggested Weekly Contribution

3% 5% 6% 10%
$6 $10 $12 $19
$12 $19 $23 $39
$17 $29 $35 $58
$23 $38 $46 $77
$29 $48 $58 $96
$35 $58 $69 $115
$46 $77 $92 $154
$58 $96 $115 $192
$72 $120 $144 $240
$87 $144 $173 $289

My Stewardship Offering For 2025-2026

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