Incarnation Catholic Church

Where All are Welcome

We hope you will come visit with us.

Fr Leo Payyappilly, OFM Conv 502-447-2013

Deacon Andy Heinsohn 502-292-9597

Cabin Fever Reliever

Saturday, January 25

Doors open at 5 pm

Gaming starts at 6 pm

 Capital Prize is $10,000!

The entrance fee is $20.


Tickets for a reverse drawing are $100. Only 260 tickets will be sold. If less than 125 tickets are sold, it will be a 50/50 Raffle.

In addition to the final payout, we will pay $100 to the first ticket drawn.

If there are still tickets available, they can opt to purchase one.

Also, every 50th ticket drawn will win $50. (50th, 100th, 150th, 200th and 250th)

Split-the-Pot tickets will also be sold in various denominations.

We have also added some baskets. Tickets for the baskets will be $5 each for each basket. We will be selling after each mass for the next few weeks. There will be an alcohol basket(s), Indian Dinner for 10, and a basket of lottery scratch-offs. 

Capital Prize Tickets and split the pot numbers can be purchased before/after Masses, at the parish office from 9-2pm on Mon—Thur or call Linda Lyons @ 419-4025. No one under 18 years of age will be admitted. (Gaming Lic. #460)

We are in need of donations of pretzels, chips and crackers


Mass Schedule:

Sunday ....................................9 am & 11 am

Monday ...................................8 am

Tuesday ..................................7 pm

Second Tuesday ....................5 pm

Wednesday & Thursday .......8 am

Saturday ..................................4 pm

Reconciliation Saturday....... 3 pm


2229 Lower Hunters Trace, Louisville, KY 40216


LENTEN BOOK STUDY Mondays during Lent (March 10, 17, 24, 31, & April 7) in Christian Hall

6:00 pm     “The Three Ordinary Voices of God” by Matthew Kelly; facilitated by Deacon Andy Heinsohn, Joan Heinsohn & Michael Gaudio

ROSARY & STATIONS OF THE CROSS         Fridays during Lent          in the Church

6:30 pm        Rosary

7:00 pm        Stations of the Cross organized by

03/21:  Members of Parish Life and Outreach Ministries

03/28:  Members of ACTS and Prayer Groups

04/04:  Members of RCIA and Formation

04/11:  Everyone

LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE  MARCH 30   2:00 – 3:30 pm at St. Paul Catholic Church

LENTEN PARISH RETREAT                APRIL 1, 2 &3         The Hope of Lent

6:00 – 7:30 pm         Preacher:       Friar Mario Serrano OFM Conv.

LENTEN MOVIE SHOW              APRIL 09      7:00 pm        ‘The Last Supper’ by Chris Tomlin

at Cinemark Preston Crossing 16

9700 Preston Crossing Blvd, Louisville, KY 40229

PALM SUNDAY      APRIL 12 & 13        Sat 4:00 pm & Sunday 9.00 & 11.00 am                      Mass

HOLY THURSDAY            APRIL 17                 7:00 pm        Mass, Washing of the Feet,

Eucharistic Procession & Adoration

GOOD FRIDAY                  APRIL 18      7:00 pm        Good Friday Service & Veneration of the Cross

EASTER VIGIL                  April 19         8:30 pm        The Rite of Easter Vigil with Celebration of Confirmation




EASTER SUNDAY                       April 20         9:00 & 11:00 am     Mass

                         Confirmation of

Enrique Nava, Eleno Nava, Jordyn Jacobs& Anna Higgason

                                             Sunday, March 30 at 10:00 am

                                                             Conferred by

                                                    Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre

There will be only one Mass on Sunday, March 30, at 10:00 am

Please note that on Sunday March 30th we will have only 1 mass which will be at 10 AM. Archbishop Shelton will be here to celebrate Confirmation.

The Saturday March 29th mass will still be celebrated @ 4 PM

Pizza and Game Night Saturday April 12th, at 5:00 pm in the Hall. We will celebrate April birthdays and anniversaries. Come join the fun!

Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet will be on April 2, at 6:30.

Please come and give honor to the Blessed Mother. Those who visited Medjugorje recently said the message Mary said was to continue to pray.  Prayer is the way to stop wars

Upcoming Events at Incarnation

Need more information please contact Incarnation at 502-447-2013 or or click the event below

Here is a sneak peek at upcoming events, so mark your calendars and be watching for more details or click the button below

Game & Pizza Night april 12th, 2025, 5 pm in the Christian Hall!

Trivia Night April 26th

St Paul/Incarnation Car Show May 10th

Game & Pizza Night Trivia Night Car Show

Incarnation Shirt  & Sweat shirts Orders

 We will now have Incarnation Short-Sleeve T-Shirts  Long-sleeved T-Shirts and Hoodies ready to order! This is an opportunity to show your church spirit! Simply by wearing your T-Shirt (or giving them as a gift), you are a walking invitation to Come and See! Come and know Jesus. They're also a great conversation starter for opening the door to sharing the gospel! We will have Pre-Order sheets after each Mass this weekend or those of you that can't make in in person, please e-mail or call me here at the office to place your order. 

For more information click the button below

Shirt styles and colors

Summer opportunities

Send us a Message or

Prayer Request

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